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What makes it worth it...

We had an amazing weekend. I am so blessed to be able to do this with my husband and children. Working full time and then working on our business at night and on weekends can be taxing but also some of the most rewarding times ever. Today, I was reminded so much of how thankful I truly am! There is always a ray of sunshine if we look close enough. Although we didn't sell out today, we did meet some amazing people. We had several fellow food truck owners extend olive branches and come introduce themselves. One even brought us some samples of her delicious desserts. Another one of the customers complimented us on the food and said some people are there for profit and they are there for people. SEAUX sweet and totally touched my heart. I like to think I am reaching peoples heart one bowl of gumbo at a time.

We also received an amazing compliment on our facebook page. <iframe src="" width="500" height="237" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> Thank you Rex and may God bless your business.

The final thing that was so dear to me is one of our customers today said her mother said my bread pudding reminded her of her late fathers. What an honor to stir up that sort of memory. Our customers are truly the best and I love that I have the opportunity to serve such an amazing group of people. We are blessed to be able to be a blessing to others. I love love love to cook and make people's tummy happy but more than that, I love people and sooo enjoy getting to put a smile on one face at a time. Until next weekend...

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