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Thanksgiving Even In The Storms

What a week, well five days... feels like a lifetime since I have posted.    

Thankful comes in many shapes and forms.   I try to remind myself to stay thankful in all things but lets be honest, thankful is easy when things are well...easy, comfy, good, stress-free, etc. My thankfulness was put to the test on Monday.    Funny how life can change in seconds, literally, sorta feels like when a cold front blows through at times.  

When trials come and things are rough, you know, the tsunami days of life, that's when your true thankfulness is tested.   I honestly think that it's ok to grieve, get a little angry, and maybe even shed a tear during adversity.  BUT, once you have your human moment, I think it's not only necessary but of utmost importance to get up, dust off, and find the silver lining in the storm.   I'm not saying it's easy but it's the critical hours directly after a disaster that the most can be done.

This week was a test of how thankful I truly am.   So, after my human moment, I put on my big girl pants and thanked God for my blessings and the opportunity I had to do something that I LOVE full time!  I was lost for about 30 minutes.   I was then reminded of the little things that had already fallen in place.   I was reminded that MONDAY, November 22, 2016 at 8:41 a.m. wasn't the end of anything but the beginning of the rest of my life!  I have all of the tools I needed to survive, a supportive husband and family, and I'm a gumbo cooking Cajun! No matter who or what tries to sabotage my family, God has the final say.   You reap what you sow and I have been faithful to sow some seeds of blessing, so that's what I'll reap. So many scriptures and promises flooded my heart and mind.  By Monday evening, I had a place to park the trailer at least 3 days of the week.

When I woke up on Tuesday, things were even better.   Since I hadn't planned on working for a while, I ran to get supplies.   XM 128 is usually what is on my radio.   Message 521 was on.   I must say it was such an encouragement and confirmation for all I was going through and all the promises I had recalled the day prior.   

I know I am "doing business in deep water." 

Wednesday was amazing, I worked at Northside Ranch, Pet & Garden Center.   We met a ton of beautiful new faces and some beautiful familiar faces came to see us as well. Dad was there to make the drive for me (the one thing I haven't tried yet is driving the trailer).   Half way through the day I was in tears, truly humbled and thankful for the opportunity.   What was felt to be meant for my harm two days before had truly been the most amazing blessing, instead of a weight it was like a hot air balloon.   

Yesterday we were able to spend a little time with my family before we went to Target to cook (I had sold OUT of everything Wednesday, thanks be to God) during our family circle time, all I could say is I'm thankful before the tears started flowing.  There were so many faces in our circle who had their own battles they were overcoming.   There were so many reasons to be thankful.   Looking around the circle, there weren't too many dry eyes on the beautiful faces of our 40+ family members.  We have a cousin who has lost so many things due to an addiction and she was so proud to say she had been clean and sober since October.  Things may seem small to others but I know how much the 30+ days are a huge accomplishment for her.   I was not only thankful for what I have been blessed with but we were able to celebrate thankfulness with others.    

Last night we were able to park at Target.   We were able to feed some shoppers and we were able to honor the VPD and County Sheriffs on duty who could make it over with a meal.  Just another opportunity to show thankfulness. 

My heart, intentions, and thankfulness were put to the test, I can't say I went through it all perfectly but what I can say is I am thankful that I am a survivor and I'm appreciative that even in the storm we can find the silver lining if we look with the right perspective.  I realize that I was given the opportunity to do what is really worth it every single day!    Can't wait to see all the amazing things, the tiny things, and even the storms we have the opportunity to experience... through it all we will always be seaux thankful..

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